Biotic and Abiotic Factors 1


Hola! estas haciendo un buen trabajo, estas en la sección de factores bióticos y abióticos. Acá tienes que clasificar las imágenes en cosas vivientes y no vivientes. Además, puedes usar las frases que se encuentran en el cuadro rojo. No olvides escribir tus respuestas en la sección de comentarios.


Write your answers in the comment section.


  1. the kids is a living thing.

    the rocks are non living thing.

    the sun is a non living thing.

    the tree is a living thing.

    1. -the kids is a living thing.
      -the rocks are non living thing.
      -the sun is a non living thing.
      -the tree is a living thing.

      Andres Felipe Moreno Tirano

  2. The tree is a livin thing
    The sun is a non-living thing
    The kids are linving things
    The rock are non-living things

  3. 1:The kids is a living thing.

    2:The rocks are non living thing.

    3:The sun is a non living thing.

    4:The tree is a living thing.

  4. The tree is one thing Livin
    The sun is one thing that no lives
    Children are things Linving
    Rock are inert things

  5. the classification is:
    The tree is a living thing
    children are living beings
    the sun is a non-living organism
    the rocks are not living organisms

  6. Classification:
    -The tree is a living thing.
    -The rock are non-living thing.

    -The sun is a non living thing.
    -The kids is a living thing.

  7. the tree and the kids are living things
    the rocks and the sun are non-living things.
    -Danna Valentina Hernández Pineda

  8. the tree and the kids are living things, the sun and the rocks is not living things.
    bryan hernandez

  9. The classification is:
    - The tree is a living thing.
    - The sun is a non-living thing.
    - The kids are living things.
    - The rocks are non-living things.
    Ximena Orjuela. 910

  10. the tree is a living organism

    children are living organisms

    the sun is not a living organism

    the stones are not living organisms

    Juan Mojica 910

  11. the kids is a living thing
    the rocks is a non-living thing
    the tree is a living thing
    the sun is a non-living thing

  12. The classification is:
    - The tree is a living thing.
    - The sun is a non-living thing.
    - The kids are living things.
    - The rocks are non-living things.
    Julián Eduardo Patiño Naranjo 910

  13. The classification is:
    1-The tree is a livin thing
    2-The sun is a non-living thing
    3-The kids are linving things
    4-The rock are non-living things

    Edward Machuca

  14. -The tree is a living thing
    -The sun is a non-living thing
    -The kids are living things
    -The rocks are non-living things

    Jorge Luis Jaramillo Gaitán-910

  15. Oscar Daniel Lagos B. 910
    -The sun is a non living thing.
    -The tree is a living thing
    -The kids are living things
    -The rocks are non-living things

  16. Kevin Garcia:
    --living thing:
    -The kids
    -The tree

    -- non-living things
    -The sun
    -The rocks

  17. the tree is a living thing.
    the sun is a non living thing
    the kids is a living thing
    te rocksis a non living thing

  18. The tree is a living thing
    The sun is a non living thing
    The kids are a living things
    The rocks are a non living thing

  19. -The sun is a non living thing.
    -The tree is a living thing
    -The kids are living things
    -The rocks are non-living things

  20. El árbol es un ser vivo
    El sol es un ser sin vida
    Los niños son seres vivos
    Las rocas son seres sin vida
    Sebastian Camilo Lamy Acuña curso 910
